
Our key features

Budget Friendly

We only charge you one-third of the prices in the market.

Pay as you go

Prepaid services help you pay as you go. Keep it simple.

Refund policy

You can get a refund on unused credits anytime.

Lifetime balance

Your balance does not expire. It is here to stay!
* on continuous use

No commitments

We don’t have any contracts or commitments. No strings attached.

No extra costs

The invoice is clear as day! – no surprises later on.

No account fee

There is no fee on setting up the account. We only charge you for credits.

Unlimited Contacts

You don’t have to settle for less! You have the option of unlimited opt-in for contacts

Priority support

We are here to assist you 24/7 if you have any queries

Pricing FAQs

The standard character limit for one message is 160 characters. Anything longer than that is split and counts as multiple messages depending on the number of characters. The recipient’s device is responsible for threading these messages together to view as one. If you have a message with 161 characters, the first message will be 153 characters. The remaining eight characters will be the second message. This process is to help send the message as one single text instead of broken messages.
Including Unicode such as special symbols, languages, and emojis limit the characters to 70. These messages thread as 67-character messages even if they are fewer than 160 characters.
We believe in pay-as-you-go. You only have to pay for the service that you use so that it does not go to waste.
We currently offer prepay services only so that you only pay for what you use.
You can use your card or PayPal account for transactions with ExpertTexting. For exceptional cases we offer a wire transfer as well.
It only takes a couple of minutes to sign up.
We offer a refund on the unused credits only. For more information, refer to our terms of use.
Your credits are instantly topped up in your account. For wire transfers, you get credits as soon as we receive the payment. However, if there is a flag raised on the transaction, it may take longer. You can contact our 24/7 customer support to resolve the issue.
We offer you the lowest prices in the market. Additionally, we offer discounts on large volume credits. You can also sign up to receive our emails so you can get promotional offers time and time.
We do not have any additional costs on messaging. You get absolute transparency when you pay.
We send you a ‘clear-as-day’ invoice. You can download your invoice under the payment section.
If your message fails because of a wrong number, the account holder shall bear the cost.
We may consider it depending on circumstances. Contact our support team for more information.
If you run out of credits while sending out a campaign, it will fail entirely. In that case you will receive an email telling you that you are low on credits. You can also set custom low balance reminders so you never run out of credits. Once you top up your account, resubmit your campaign to send out the messages successfully.
We run globally and you can send messages to ‘almost’ all the countries around the world.
We protect your privacy like its our own. All information transit is secured via encryption through SSL and all data is stored on our secure servers. We are also PCI DSS compliant. 3D secure transactions are also enabled for each applicable card.
Yes, we do. Landlines are capable of receiving messages provided the user has enabled the feature.
Yes, the transmitted text message is going to be billed. The receiving depends on the user. ExpertTexting just sends out the text message to a valid number.

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