Over a decade ago, text messaging service for CRM was disregarded for its trust deficiency. But in the contemporary world, all businesses have realized the true potential of CRM texting services.

None can dismiss text message marketing as a comprehensive strategy for CRM.

The number of cell phone users in the future will shoot up in the United States. Marketing on a whole, will get more productive and sophisticated. Today, a company without CRM is almost a bird without wings. A customer is absolutely everything, therefore, it is essential to have CRM (Customer Relationship Management). 

A channel like text message service for CRM leverages companies to unleash themselves in the global market. Covering areas of customer retention to driving sales growth, CRM texting services have revolutionized customer engagement like never before. As a result, CRM as a phenomenon has transformed itself.


Customer-centric businesses will always focus on their client record.
The collection of client data is crucial for maintaining the high standard of interaction.

Most organizations have an in-house SMS setup which enables them to send personalized text to their filtered audience. In fact, all promotional messages are sent to the clients and marketing is therefore done on a massive scale. Through customization of your customer record, you can segment your customer list. This will help you to target your audience. Contact Management is another aspect that CRM needs to explore. CRM texting service outplays all traditional modes of marketing.
Without a doubt, the channel of text message marketing has appeared as a key to a successful marketing strategy.


The world of E-Commerce has taken everyone by surprise.

Now CRM and SMS service goes hand in hand. An SMS is no more treated as a secondary source of marketing. On the other hand, the fluctuating business cycle indicate that SMS Marketing is the need of the moment.

What makes text messaging for CRM a game changer in the dynamics of E-Commerce?
A text message is not only cost effective – but it can also be automated – which could further narrow down your investment. Today, E-Commerce has been bestowed with a luxury like SMS Marketing for CRM and above all, companies are utilizing it to every extent of digital marketing.


SMS API for CRM gives more chances of attaining opt-in subscriptions.

Use a short code, also generate a keyword and send it to people. The moment a subscriber replies by sending your keyword, at that instance, his/her cell number will get routed and you will have the number in your database. Sharing and routing short codes will turn out to be less in cost and least amount of effort is required to collect opt-ins.


Banking system is one such sector where CRM texting services have been taken advantage of.

It is almost futile to imagine a banking network not using text messaging services. Banks mostly have their separate in-house bulk SMS mechanism. From amount transaction to regular account alerts, CRM text service has equipped the banking sector to play with ultimate freedom. Most banking operations are done through the feature of SMS Banking. The CRM mechanism of bank is highly result oriented. Continuous research and investment is being done to enhance the existing standard of the banking CRM program.


All customer centric businesses are integrating their CRM software with SMS API.

The response rate is more and this service is powerful enough to retrieve your incoming messages as well. An SMS API can easily be configured with any CRM device. As a matter of fact, using SMS API will be less time consuming because you don’t have to login again and again. On most occasions, an internet connection is also not required. Hence, this feature has changed the spirit of CRM Texting Services.


SMS Geo Fencing is relatively a rare term in the industry.
Try not to anticipate that both Geo Targeting and SMS Geo Fencing are the same.

Sending SMS through the usage of Geo Targeting has resulted in such a modernized term. In actual, Geo Targeting is done via SMS Marketing for CRM. You are required to seek consent of your recipients before sending them any text message. Text messaging is a permission based practice, especially in the US. Once a customer has subscribed, he/she is required to grant you the permission to trace down their location and by allowing you that the customer will automatically enter into your SMS Geo Fencing system. Now you are in the driving seat. CRM texting services will allow your brand to launch a tailor made promotion with subscriber’s real time location. In short, geo fencing is location based marketing where demographics determine business viability.


The use of text messaging is often referred as Real-time CRM in the context of large organizations.

Real time CRM is the latest addition in the domain of digital marketing. Incorporating Real time CRM is significantly beneficial for businesses. After all, customer engagement is prioritized in Real time CRM and works efficiently for businesses. On top of everything, Real-time CRM increases business metrics – Leverages companies use high-tech strategies to gain customers, manage interactions and inevitably increase revenue.


ExpertTexting is facilitating corporate Industry with CRM texting services.

With a texting platform, we also provide “Texting Service API” for business empires in more than 200 destinations. At the same time, our customer support is 24/7 available to assist our valued partners.
So, feel free to contact us! Meanwhile, on a global scale, companies are heading towards ExpertTexting for having BULK SMS setup for their CRM operations. Most importantly, we at ExpertTexting ensure supreme quality of services, and our rates are hard to beat in the industry.

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