How to Get Text Message Responses

How to Get Text Message Responses

A study showed that businesses that use text marketing have a higher response rate by 39%. Moreover, text messages have a higher conversion rate than other channels. However, what studies don’t prove is a guaranteed reply. Text message responses are important so that you can decipher how your campaign is running. Moreover, added engagement gives businesses a better chance to convert leads into revenue.

The problem with text message responses is that you may not get them easily. Your content strategies and creativity help boost responses. In this guide we will tell you what you can do for to get text message responses.

What to text to get responses?

Before you go for any other thing, you need to ensure that your content is impactful. No matter what strategy you use, if you do not have compelling content, you may not get what you want. To write impactful content you need to remember EAST.

EAST stands for Easy, Attractive, Social, and Timely. The following is the mnemonic in detail.


If you are using ExpertTexting then you have the liberty of enabling two-way messaging. With this feature, your audience can respond to your business messages like they are texting their friends. However, this is not the Easy part. You have to make your content easy enough for people to respond.

Make sure never to ask open ended questions that require long answers. Simple messages with a Yes or No answer is more likely to receive engagement.

A response can also mean a call to action. If you are looking for a click through rate then ExpertTexting helps you. Instead of adding long links, use our link shortener to shorten the link to fit in your message. You can also track the click through rate of the link.

The link to your webpage should be mobile friendly. Since the link will be clicked on the phone, it should be adapted for mobile devices. Otherwise, you may lose the response that you wanted.

To make it easy for you, ExpertTexting has a conversational view inbox. This allows you to manage one-on-one conversations and replies in a jiffy.


Of course, your call to response should be easy. However, it should also have some sort of attraction to it. No one is asking you to make it rainbows and unicorns. However, it should have an element of attraction for the customer to take time and respond to you.

If you are using ExpertTexting then you can always send out Mass MMS to make it more exciting. Moreover, a study showed that MMS tends to increase engagement by up to 250%.

A study claims that that the human brains need a destination to complete the task. For your audience, you have to think of that target.

Your attraction can be an incentive that is tangible. You can offer a discount coupon or promotion. Moreover, you can also give a sense of achievement like ‘becoming a hero’, or ‘help us out’. These small things work as an attraction and give a much better chance to receive text message responses.


Social psychology strongly supports the idea of quid pro quo. This means that human beings get triggered if someone does a favor to them. Use this social law to your advantage in your writing and let your audience get triggered.

You can do this by giving them value before you ask them to make an action or give a response. These triggers do not have to be something tangible; they can come in the form of something as little as effort.

For example, if you use ExpertTexting, you can send personalized mass texts. When you send a message with their first name or other information, you show them that you have made some effort. The natural process in humans is to get a trigger to return the favor. In this case, the favor is a response that you will be asking from them.


Timeliness of the message is just as important as the content of the message. Consider the right time to send your text messages. Promotional messages and messages that require a response are different. For instance, you can send a promotional text message during business hours. However, if you send a message that requires a response, you may not get it during the business hours.

To figure out the timeliness of messages, we have a comprehensive guide. Click on the image below to know more about when to send messages.

How to encourage responses?

When you are down with the right kind of content, you are halfway through. However, to increase your response rate, you can do the following as well.

  1. Text to vote:

Text to vote or text polls are a fool proof way to ensure that you get the best response rate. Texting polls require something as little as a letter only. This reduces the effort and eventually increases the response rate. You can record the responses and work with the data later on as well.

  • Closing

A study showed that the closing messages increased the response rate drastically. Hence, make sure your closing is captivating. You can use words like ‘thanks’ and ‘thanks in advance’ to amp up your response rate. However, if you use general phrases like ‘best’ and ‘best regards’ you may lose your potential response.

  • Personalize your message

A study showed that majority of the people preferred a personalized experience. Something as easy as the first name can increase the click through rate by up to 71%. ExpertTexting allows you to add up to five different custom fields to send out mass messages. This small and seemingly insignificant change can enhance your response rate efficiently.

Get started with ExpertTexting

ExpertTexting is a mass texting service that gives you more and more. You can use special features like the conversational style inbox, two-way messaging, and personalizing your message to increase your response rate. All this and more at a pay-as-you-go service. We only charge you credits for what you use.

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